Welbim, a perfect modern WordPress theme for welding and metalwork businesses! Whether you’re a welding company, custom metal works provider, or in the industrial sphere, this theme is designed to suit your website needs. With two beautiful homepage layouts and 15+ variant inner pages, you can easily modify and reach the theme layouts. The comprehensive design of Welbim is both modern and stylish, and it adapts to all screen sizes and resolutions, making it a great choice for both desktop and mobile users. Plus, with compatibility with the Elementor page builder, you don’t need any coding knowledge to make the most of this powerful theme.

Now, it just a little more polishing to fix incorrect page archive titles which are the following.

  1. Open the welbim-init.php file in your theme’s directory, framework/classes/welbim-int.php.
  2. Locate the “welbim_breadcrumb” function in the code. This function controls the display of the breadcrumb and the page title.
  3. Look for the “elseif (is_archive())” statement. This statement controls the page title for archive pages such as category, tag, and portfolio pages.
  4. Then scroll down to line 311 and modify the line “echo $breadcrumb_title;” with the code below
if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Portfolio Category: ') ) {

		$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Portfolio Category: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Category: ') ) {
		$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Category: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Tag: ') ) {
		$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Tag: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Elemenfolio Details') ) {
		$breadcrumb_title = the_title();

5. This code replaces page name of the category title for category archive pages, tag title for tag archive pages, and the custom post type title for portfolio archive pages to exact title.

6. Save the functions.php file and refresh your category, tag, and portfolio pages. You should now see the correct title displayed for each page.

Modified code from line 213 to line 354 in Welbim: welbim-int.php (framework/classes/welbim-int.php)

    	 * All header and breadcrumb.
    	public static function welbim_breadcrumb() {
    		$breadcrumb_title = 'welbim';
    		$breadcrumb_class = 'breadcrumb_no_bg';
    		if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) :
    			$breadcrumb_title = ''; // deafult blog
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'deafult-home-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( is_front_page() && ! is_home() ) :
    			$breadcrumb_title = ''; // custom home or deafult
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'custom-home-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( is_home() ) :
    			$blog_breadcrumb_switch = welbim_get_options( 'blog_breadcrumb_switch' );
    			if ( $blog_breadcrumb_switch == '1' ) :
    				$blog_breadcrumb_content = welbim_get_options( 'blog_breadcrumb_content' );
    				$blog_style              = get_query_var( 'blog_style' );
    				if ( ! $blog_style ) {
    					$blog_style = welbim_get_options( 'blog_style' );
    				if ( $blog_style == 1 ) :
    					$blog_breadcrumb_content = welbim_get_options( 'blog_breadcrumb_content' );
    				elseif ( $blog_style == 2 ) :
    					$blog_breadcrumb_content = welbim_get_options( 'blog_breadcrumb_content' );
    				elseif ( $blog_style == 3 ) :
    					$blog_breadcrumb_content = welbim_get_options( 'blog_breadcrumb_content' );
    				$breadcrumb_title = $blog_breadcrumb_content;
    			else :
    				$breadcrumb_title = '';
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( is_archive() ) :
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-breadcrumb';
    			$breadcrumb_title = get_the_archive_title();
    		elseif ( is_single() ) :
    			if ( get_post_type( get_the_ID() ) == 'post' ) :
    				$blog_single_breadcrumb_switch = welbim_get_options( 'blog_single_breadcrumb_switch' );
    				if ( $blog_single_breadcrumb_switch == '1' ) :
    					// redux
    					$blog_single_breadcrumb_content = welbim_get_options( 'blog_single_breadcrumb_content' );
    					if ( isset( $blog_single_breadcrumb_content ) && ! empty( $blog_single_breadcrumb_content ) ) {
    						$blog_single_breadcrumb_content = $blog_single_breadcrumb_content;
    					} else {
    						$blog_single_breadcrumb_content = get_the_title( get_the_ID() );
    					$breadcrumb_title = $blog_single_breadcrumb_content;
    					$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-single-breadcrumb';
    				else :
    					$breadcrumb_title = '';
    			else :
    				// post type
    				$breadcrumb_title = ucfirst( get_post_type() ) . esc_html__( ' Details', 'welbim' );
    				$breadcrumb_class = get_post_type() . '-single-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( is_404() ) :
    			$breadcrumb_title = esc_html__( 'Error Page', 'welbim' );
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( is_search() ) :
    			if ( have_posts() ) :
    				$breadcrumb_title = esc_html__( 'Search Results for: ', 'welbim' ) . get_search_query();
    				$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-breadcrumb';
    			else :
    				$breadcrumb_title = esc_html__( 'Nothing Found', 'welbim' );
    				$breadcrumb_class = 'blog-breadcrumb';
    		elseif ( ! is_home() && ! is_front_page() && ! is_search() && ! is_404() ) :
    			$breadcrumb_title = get_the_title();
    			$breadcrumb_class = 'page-breadcrumb';
    		$breadcrumb_active_class = 'breadcrumb-not-active';
    		if ( function_exists( 'bcn_display' ) ) :
    			$breadcrumb_active_class = '';
    		if ( is_page() ) {
    			$welbim_show_breadcrumb = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'welbim_core_show_breadcrumb', true );
    		} else {
    			$welbim_show_breadcrumb = 'on';
    		$header_menu_style            = welbim_get_options( 'header_menu_style' );
    		$breadcrumb_class_with_header = 'breadcrumb-class-with-header-one';
    		if ( $header_menu_style == '2' ) :
    			$breadcrumb_class_with_header = '';
    		<?php if ( $welbim_show_breadcrumb != 'off' ) : ?>
    			if ( isset( $breadcrumb_title ) && ! empty( $breadcrumb_title ) ) :
    				<section class="page-title <?php echo esc_attr( $breadcrumb_class . ' ' . $breadcrumb_active_class . ' ' . $breadcrumb_class_with_header ); ?>">
    					<div class="auto-container">
    						<div class="content-box">
    							<div class="content-wrapper">
    								<div class="title">
    									if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Portfolio Category: ') ) {
    										$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Portfolio Category: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
    									if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Category: ') ) {
    										$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Category: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
    									if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Tag: ') ) {
    										$breadcrumb_title = str_replace( 'Tag: ', '', $breadcrumb_title );
    									if( str_contains($breadcrumb_title, 'Elemenfolio Details') ) {
    										$breadcrumb_title = the_title();
    									echo $breadcrumb_title;
    								<?php if ( function_exists( 'bcn_display' ) ) : ?>
    									<ul class="bread-crumb">
    										<?php bcn_display(); ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>