Wordfence has been protecting more than 2 million WordPress websites with over 90 million users as of today. Wordfence is blocking 6-13 million IP addresses everyday. The WordPress plugin has been serving worldwide over the internet in a “Free” service.

You must be among Wordfence users who blocked from your website, mustn’t you? But Whatever you are related to Wordfence security, your site must be secured especially when you are using WordPress. Wordfence sometimes auto-blocking any IP addresses that reported to them from your website like login attempts and bad web crawls. These are the things that the black hackers spread their mind in making design strategy to gain more traffic and more paid from clients.

In other words, a client’s site was hacked due to some developer who installed unsecured plugins like EWWW Image Optimizer which made the site into security breach and received hundreds of login attempts daily! We have probed the bad hacking and blocked any holes to prevent them from hacking the website. However, I forgot my IP address to be Whitelisted! Sooo embarassing! I was then blocked myself and can’t logon to the site. But we got that!  Follow down….

First, login to your hosting site and proceed to Control Panel (known to be Cpanel) and then go through PhpMyAdmin.

Second, look for the table “prefix_wfsnipcache (do include your prefix not this prefix exactly)” and you’ll see whitelisted IP addresses (it’s empty if nothing has whitelisted).

Third one, is to encode an SQL script:

“INSERT INTO prefix_wfsnipcache(id, IP, expiration, body, count, type) VALUES(‘112’, ‘’, ‘2019-04-27 12:01:10’, ”, 0, 2);”

In other case, there some other options. You can use the PHP code to run through functions.php in a WordPress Hosting site with limited access to PhpMyAdmin like doing this follows:

Global $wpdb;

$wpdb->insert(‘prefix_wfsnipcache’, array(

‘id’ => ‘112’,

‘IP’ => ‘’′,

‘expiration’ => ‘2019-04-27 12:01:10’,

‘body’ => ‘’,

‘count’ => 0,

‘type’ => 2 ) );

Photo shown below is the result of your work. You’ve been whitelisted in your site’s security measure. Congrats.


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