First things first, I’d like to thank Mr. Adam Brian Anay, a social media experts, owner of “I am Mindanao” facebook page who trained us on “Social Media Advocacy” in Peace-Building. This is a personal blog which writes for sharing and does not targeting personal campaign. This blogger is managing different corporate facebook and google pages and twitter with minimum of 1.4k followers each week. So let’s get started.

Weighing Social Media Publishing

Millions of peoples woke up and opened social network accounts daily to check messages and share something from their mind and what they will do in the time they were going to do something inside and outside home. Peoples mostly had smartphones, tablets and laptops/pc which they can use to read news articles and watch videos on social networks in particular.

Social Media is now a traditional and at the top where peoples want to hear news updates about what is happening today and what to get shared about. Emotions, good and bad news, actions and humors are being widespread adoption of social media such as on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other related software platforms that made peoples engaged to global contexts with social reactions.

This writer just want to share with peoples who are involved in social media campaign, this article may helps on how to publish effective posts that gain more audiences with balanced deliberation for public interest.

Our objective here is to publish an important story that hooks the evolution of social media campaigns within Good News, Humors, Actions and Emotions to get more readers and reactions:

Social Approval and Validation

Positive evaluation of individuals or groups in social context is very important implication for social behavior, social approval will generally consistently act in ways to win approval and avoid criticism. At the interpersonal level the construct is important in understanding group dynamics, intergroup relations peer pressure and idea of popularity and reputation.

Post an image with quotations that people gets to know more about its positivity. Graphic design must be advantage, use Adobe Photoshop instead of archaic tools for text designing and editing. Photo example:

Communication and Leverage

Community practitioners must leverage a variety of tools in order to promote and advocate for social change. Social media are relatively innovative tools for informing and mobilizing communities in an advocacy effort.

The caliber of the people you attract on social media will be directly proportional to the clarity and sophistication that you bring to the social media content you share. Meanwhile, look at who likes and comments on your content the most. Invest in social listening to figure out what the general “opinion” is about your post. If you notice your post seems to be have more particular supporters (likers, comments, and followers), then maintain the control of page.

Conversely, if your article is amateurish and riddled with typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors it will reflect poorly on the audiences you’re advocating for.


Entertainment is one of the great ways which is able to increase content that reach through shares to audiences. Whether it is a simple post like a picture of a ‘cute cat smiling’, its actions can help extend the life of page content. Why is this important? It showcasing through the eyes of your audiences makes it genuine.

Love and Emotion

Love not just for self-perception and partners but for everything you had loved. Emotionally, love had too many reasons until made the quote “Hurt Why?” Therefore, share love and emotional stories about one and another including the animals and things in social media will reach content high in constant.

Publishing happy and dramatic scripts even it’s a fiction of yourself will make people relates to their past and present position in life, works and activities. It is more valued by audiences if you post a true emotional story like what happened to the victims of various disasters and incidents but avoid sensitive post.

Aesthetic Matter

Make sure that you choose an influencing that is relevant to your title, always put your brand logo lightly smaller that can be read by the senior citizens. Design, image and video resolution is more important in publishing media.

If you want to air a video reports or documentation on social media, all voices on the video must be anchored to public matters.

Offer Bigger (Brand)

Convincing target audiences to speak out on the behalf of your offer is an incredible thing and an important aspect of a social advocacy strategy. However, when you’re just getting started in a new space or trying to strengthen awareness for your brand, it can be a good idea to look for shout-outs from people who are most likely to connect with your target audience.

Social influencers are individuals that hold sway over the audiences you’re trying to connect with. These professionals spend their time building a loyal following online with valuable content and messaging. If you can include social influencers within your advocacy strategy, then you could find that you earn a lot more volume for your campaign message straight away.

Tricks To Multiply Page Likes and Followers (Facebook)

If you have a group starting to campaign on social media then you should probably create two or more facebook pages, a split team campaign strategy. We know that people have different abilities and talents in graphic designing, content writing, photography and videography, and other related skills for social media advocacy.

When you have created two (or more) the same role (business or campaign) pages, name it with two or more words at least the title has the same words between the two. For instance, “Post Gel” and “Deh Gel.” Afterall, launch the two pages and gain more likes with different targets; 13-30 yrs old or 31-60 yrsold, different places relatively.

On facebook, when you got 4k likes and the separate page had 10k likes, merge them by going to Page “Settings > Merge Pages > Merge duplicate Pages.” Facebook will notify you within an hour. Take note: mismatched page title cannot be merged.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I got some important parts of SEO in social media campaign, this is a long discussion since we’re going to talk about Search Engine. The One click, share all from a website. I’ll be posting later here on Deh Gel Post. Also, if you want to hear news in the Philippines as well as in Mindanao, you may visit